Donations from outside sources, either monetary or in-kind, are an excellent resource for the Kickapoo Reserve Management Board (KRMB) to "preserve and protect" the Kickapoo Valley Reserve (KVR). Private individuals, organizations, and businesses have made valuable donations over the years. The Friends of the KVR also provide direct support for projects and programs at the KVR.
To keep the KVR in the most natural state possible, memorials referencing names or organizations are not allowed on the property. Man-made impacts beyond the visitor center area will be kept to a minimum. Native trees and prairie plants have been accepted as memorials, but no signage is allowed. A completed and signed donation form is required.
Financial Donation
Financial donations are greatly appreciated and serve the KVR best. Donors have the option of dedicating their contribution to land management, education programs, or the KRMB and staff to apply funds where they are most needed. Monetary contributions to a government entity are tax deductible; check with your tax preparer or the IRS for specific reporting instructions.
The education program welcomes monetary donations for scholarships to offset registration fees for potential summer camps and other young participants. Monetary donations are awarded to financially-strained families.
The Friends of the KVR are also well-equipped to accept financial donations and bequests as a non-profit 501c3 organization. Visit their website to contribute electronically at
Special Event Donations
Sponsorship for special events can be through funds or goods and services. The Winter Festival and Dam Challenge triathlon are successful events that happen through the generous financial and/or supply and equipment donations. Several local businesses have provided financial support by covering specific expenses at events. These include horse-drawn sleigh rides, snow carvings for Winterfest, and the sag-wagon and race participant transportation for the Dam Challenge. Quality art work as well as local goods and services can be provided for the annual auctions held at the KVR. Loaning or providing equipment such as enclosed trailers, tractor implements, and various non-motorized equipment can also be valuable for special events. Such donations reduce the need for purchasing specific equipment and materials that are only used for the event. If you have an item that may be useful to the KVR, please consider contacting the KVR to discuss its availability and/or functionality.
In-Kind Donations
Consider supporting the KVR by providing incentives to employees who volunteer for labor intensive projects, such as highway and river cleanup or invasive species removal. Sponsoring another organization, such as a high school club to volunteer, is another example. Volunteers are always welcome.
Contact the executive director with any questions at 608-625-2960.
All forms of contributions are greatly appreciated!!