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Employment Opportunities

The Kickapoo Valley Reserve hires staff for field and office positions as needed. The number of seasonal positions varies each year based on project goals and/or returning staff.  The education program welcomes applications at any time for instructors or naturalists. 

Guide and Instructor Positions

The Kickapoo Valley Reserve is hiring on a rolling basis for education program instructors and field trip guides.  These positions are on an as needed basis. These roles may include guiding field trip tours, instructing our weekly workshops, Saturday programming, and summer camps.  There are lots of opportunities, for lots of areas of expertise! There are year-round opportunities.
Selected individuals will receive an hourly wage, on contractual agreement, to compensate for their time teaching. Training is available and will be paid.
To apply: Please submit a resume with three references and a letter of interest to our education department.

Contact Executive Director by phone: 608-625-2960 or email: