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Nature Bound Programs

Nature Seeds -Ages 18 months - 2 years
Children in this age group attend with their adult to experience the natural world in a safe and guided outdoor focused environment through sensory activities, play, storytelling and movement.

Nature Sprouts - Ages 3-4 years
Nature Sprouts are filled with natural wonder! Children attend without their adult and are immersed in age-appropriate exploring, risk taking, play, sensory activities and storytelling all in a natural setting!

Nature Sprigs - Ages 5-7 years
Nature Sprigs are ready to explore nature! Children are immersed in age-appropriate exploring, risk taking, place and space mindfulness, play, sensory activities and storytelling all in nature!

Nature Buds - Ages 8-12 years
Nature Buds are beginning to form strong bonds to nature and literature and how it is all around us. Children in this program will begin to explore the natural world through a science lens and sharpen their observation and survey skills, while expanding their connection to the natural world.

Future Naturalists - Ages 13-18 years
Future Naturalist students dive into the natural world with both feet! Focused on the science of nature, and literature nature pioneers, this program will plant becoming a naturalist seed in the youth who attend!

Nature Bloom - Ages 16-18
The Nature Bloom program is a unique program for students interested in teaching and/or natural resources who wish to gain valuable experience and mentorship in a nature-based learning setting.

Snacks and materials are included.

 Instructors:  Cathy Chybowski, Mary Szepi, Macey Wood, and Rose Boyajian, Heather van Zyl. 

Spring 2025 Semester


2 sessions of 4 classes each

Session 1:  March 19, 26, April 2, 9
Session2:  April 16, 23, 30, May 7

What to Bring: 
All students should bring a backpack with a water bottle, and a change of clothes (in case they get wet).   Students should be dressed for the weather and have waterproof footwear.   Classes will take place mostly outdoors in most weather.  Dress accordingly.

Each week a healthy snack will be provided.  All project supplies and take-home materials are included.

LIMIT:  Minimum of 5 students, maximum of 15.

Ages 18mo - 2 yrs:  Nature Seeds

Ages 3-4:  Nature Sprouts
Ages 5-7:  Nature Sprigs
Ages 8-12:  Nature Buds
8:30am - 11:30am


Nature Seeds Ages 18mo-2 yrs $55/student/4-week session, $100/student/8-week session

Nature Sprouts Ages 3-4:  $120/student/4-week session, $220/student 8-week session

Nature Sprigs Ages 5-7:  $120/student/4-week session, $220/student 8-week session

Nature Buds Ages 8-12:  $120/student/4-week session, $220/student 8-week session

Scholarships are available; contact the KVR at 608-625-2960

Session 1:  March 18, 2025
Session 2:  April 15, 2025



Please be sure to read The Homeschool Parent Workshop Letter before your programs begin. 


Please contact us at 608-625-2960 or

Refund/Cancellation Policy: Nature Bound Workshops will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Payment must be received to guarantee your child’s spot. If cancellation notice is received at least 14 days prior to the start, a refund will be given less an administrative fee of 25%.  If notice is received less than 14 days prior, no refund will be made.   Registration implies permission for photos to be used on the KVR website or other publications (student’s name will not be used) unless the KVR receives notification in writing prior to the program.




The Kickapoo Reserve Management Board acknowledges that the state and federal lands that comprise the Reserve fall within the ancestral homelands of First Nations people including the Hoocąk Nation. We recognize the sovereignty of the Hoocąk and other First Nations and will work towards a shared future by continuing to create collaborative opportunities to protect and preserve these lands.

Kickapoo Valley Reserve | S3661 State Road 131 | La Farge, Wisconsin 54639 
Phone: 608-625-2960

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