Horned Grebe - (Podilymbus auritus)
- Small diving bird, short straight bill
- Lobed toes rather than webbed feet
- Breeding plumage: golden to pale yellow
ear tufts, reddish brown neck, black cheek, red eye - Fall and winter plumage: dark and light
greys, white cheek and neck - 14” (35 cm)
- Large lakes and rivers with extensive
backwaters - Occasionally on smaller ponds
Additional Information
- Young ride on parents back
- Rare migrant in the Kickapoo Valley
due to lack of appropriate habitat
| ![Male Horned Grebe (photo by Dan Jackson) Male Horned Grebe on water](/Images/Birds/HornedGrebe500Male_Jackson.jpg)
![Female Horned Grebe (photo by Dan Jackson) Female Horned Grebe on water](/Images/Birds/HornedGrebe500Fem_Jackson.jpg)