Ages 11-14: Wild World of PlantsPlants are an important part of our ecosystem, yet many people don’t take the time to take a close look at them. Each day of camp we will explore a different part of the world of plants through hands-on exploration, crafts, guided hikes, and more! Campers will also learn things including plant identification, vocabulary, and how plants relate to the rest of the ecosystem. Curiosity at this camp is encouraged and questions are highly welcomed! Instructor: Amy Dvorak
August 4-7 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Fee: $150/camper (includes healthy snack; camper must pack own lunch) Limit: 8 minimum/12 maximum Registration Deadline: July 28, 2025 Ages 11-17: Camp Inspire For those with words in their soul, this camp is a breath of fresh air. We’ll spend time learning how stories have been handed down generation to generation to teach and entertain, hike to various places to find inspiration, and spend time writing in our notebooks. Campers will try out a few different styles of writing including poetry, nature journaling, short stories, and more! With activities to help get the creative juices flowing, this camp is sure to be worth writing home about! Instructor: Amber Burch June 11-13 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Fee: $150/camper (includes healthy snack; camper must pack own lunch) Limit: 8 minimum/15 maximum Registration Deadline: June 4, 2025 |

Ages 11-14: Wilderness Adventure Camp Whether you are joining Wilderness Adventure for the first time or returning for another year, there are always new skills to learn and friends to meet! Join us for a combination of high adventure activities and wilderness living skills that promote self-confidence while developing a sense of wonder about nature. This camp will include challenge course teambuilding; active adventure elements such as remote backpacking, map and compass navigation; and river paddling. It will also allow participants to gain knowledge of plants, mammals, tracking, birds, and wilderness survival skills. Our qualified instructors will guide students into new and challenging experiences that nurture their connection to the earth and serve them for a lifetime. Past Nature Nuts campers will have an opportunity to build the wilderness foundation skills they have already gained. This camp is also a prerequisite for Wilderness Leadership camp. The optional Thursday night overnight will give participants the opportunity to expand their wilderness cooking skills, fire building, and leave-no-trace camping skills; hone their night-time nature awareness; and do some guided evening star gazing if weather permits. Additional female staff will chaperone the overnight. Instructors: Jordan Marshall Second Instructor TBD July 14-18 9:00 am – 3:00 pm (optional overnight July 17) Full with waiting list July 28-Aug 1 9:00 am – 3:00 pm (optional overnight July 31) Fees: $165 Monday-Friday (camper must pack own lunch) $45 Optional overnight (fee includes supper and breakfast) Limit: 8 minimum/12 maximum Registration Deadline: July 21, 2025 |
