Ages 8-10: Where the Wild Things Are
Have you ever seen a yellow-bellied sapsucker? Have you scooped up a water scorpion? Have you practiced fox-walking? Bring your sense of wonder and an adventurous spirit to explore the wetlands, prairies, and woodlands at the KVR. This will be a week of nature-themed adventures. Activities will be engaging and educational with an emphasis on fun!
Each camper will have the opportunity to discover and learn new things firsthand by seeking, spying, tracking animals, catching little critters, drawing, and sharing. Be prepared for hiking, storytelling, nature crafts, and games. Interactive games will stress involvement and cooperation while respectful behaviors in nature will be emphasized. Along with individual discovery there will be time for group collaboration and time to take advantage of the moment.
Instructor: Cathy Chybowski
June 23 - June 27 9:00 am – 2:30 pm
Fee: $150/camper
(includes healthy snack; camper must pack own lunch)
Limit: 8 minimum/12 maximum
Registration Deadline: June 17, 2025
Ages 8-10: Art Sprouts - The Art and Science of Nature
Calling all dreamers and discoverers! In a camp experience that seeks to connect with the artist and naturalist in each of us, we invite children to join us for a week of drawing, painting, crafting, experimenting, and exploring. We will immerse ourselves in the wild, where discovery and play are one.
Campers will spend most of their time outdoors building forts, exploring streams, and creating art from nature. We will investigate as a team to explore, create, and discover Nature's wonders.
Instructor: Vicki Ramsay
June 16-20 9:00 am – 2:30 pm
Fee: $150/camper
(includes healthy snack; camper must pack own lunch)
Limit: 8 minimum/12 maximum
Registration Deadline: June 9, 2025